Biblical Counselling

Watch our videos: What is Biblical Counselling?
Biblical counselling is different from other forms of counselling in that it uses the Bible for its authority. Our counselors will help you understand your problems using the Bible and then help you apply real solutions that will bring lasting change to your life. We believe the Bible can help real people with their real problems.
What should I expect?
There are three things that we expect from those who come for counseling:
- Commitment to Honesty - It is very important that every person who comes for counseling be open and honest. Finding solutions and answers to life's problems require first accurately understanding the problems.
- Commitment to Homework - At the conclusion of every counseling session you will receive specific homework from your counsellor. It is very important that you take this homework seriously and make every effort to complete it. Homework is not an add on to the counseling process but an integral part of it.
- Commitment to Time - Lastly you should expect counselling to take some time. Life's problems are often complicated and it will require time to break old habits and form new ones.
What will it cost?
At Lighthouse we consider our Biblical Counselling Ministry a service to the community and as such we do not charge for the services of any of our counselors.
How do I get Help?
The first step is to complete our two application forms which can be obtained through the links below or by contacting our church office. It is important to note that each person who is coming for counselling will need to fill out both forms.
Once your forms are completed they need to be submitted. You can submit them either in person to our church office or by email to the address below.
Once we have your application forms we will contact you to set up at appointment.
Application Forms
1. Personal Data Inventory
2. Basic Information Sheet
Contact Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist Church at:
(519) 396-3338, or