
Welcome to Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist Church

Lighthouse websiteWELCOME

This website is meant to be a snapshot of who we are and provide a brief overview of each of our regular ministries. If you would like more information give us a call, drop us an email or better yet come and visit:

We would love to share with you more about our church and more about the God that we serve.

Our mission is to be a church where we
worship Christ, preach Christ and honour Christ.

  • We worship Christ by magnifying his name through song and testimony.
  • We preach Christ by teaching and sharing the Bible.
  • We honour Christ by remembering his sacrifice and following him in obedience.   
  • We desire to have a positive testimony for Christ in our community and do all we can to share Christ with all.

Please see our church calendar page to clarify all events and dates.

If you are unable to make our Sunday service you can email the soundbooth for the livestream link

Weekly Schedule 1
Youth group

 Stepping Into Healthy Aging:
"Foot Care Essentials for Every Step of the Journey"

As we age, our feet require extra care and attention to maintain mobility, comfort, and overall health. This presentation dives into the key aspects of foot care for aging adults, including proper nail care techniques to prevent discomfort and infections, identifying and managing common foot-related conditions such as arthritis and diabetes-related complications, and choosing the right footwear to support balance, posture, and long-term foot health. Join us to explore practical tips and expert advice for keeping your feet happy and healthy at every stage of life!

lightkeepers Febpng


 Click on the post below to email Dan and let him know you will be coming.

Mens Breakfast 1

For more information contact Amanda
ladies bible Study

This year we are going to be implementing a new online registration process. Please click on the post below, it will go directly to the short form for you to fill out.  This will help Diane and those incharge keep better track of the number of folks coming to the banquet.

If you have any problems registering , please email the church office with your information.
1.Name: First and Last 
2.Email address:
3.Phone Number:
4.Number of guests you are bringing:
5.Names of Guests:
6.And any dietary restrictions you or your quests may have.
Easter Banquet website

Upcoming Events

Youth Group
Wed Feb 19 @ 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Prayer Meeting
Wed Feb 19 @ 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Lightkeepers Senior's Ministry
Thu Feb 20 @10:00AM -
Youth Group at Snow Camp
Fri Feb 21 @ 9:00AM - 12:00AM
Youth Group at Snow Camp
Sat Feb 22 @ 9:00AM - 12:00AM
Sat Feb 22 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Youth Group at Snow Camp
Sun Feb 23 @ 9:00AM - 12:00AM
Sunday School for all ages
Sun Feb 23 @ 9:30AM - 10:15AM

Church Email Updates

Please subscribe to our Church EMail Updates to receive priority information about special events and weekly content:

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