This website is meant to be a snapshot of who we are and provide a brief overview of each of our regular ministries. If you would like more information give us a call, drop us an email or better yet come and visit:
We would love to share with you more about our church and more about the God that we serve.
Our mission is to be a church where we
worship Christ, preach Christ and honour Christ.
- We worship Christ by magnifying his name through song and testimony.
- We preach Christ by teaching and sharing the Bible.
- We honour Christ by remembering his sacrifice and following him in obedience.
- We desire to have a positive testimony for Christ in our community and do all we can to share Christ with all.
Please see our church calendar page to clarify all events and dates.
If you are unable to make our Sunday service you can email the soundbooth lfbc.soundbooth@gmail.com for the livestream link



Hi Lighthouse Ladies!
We are excited to start up our bible studies again. We are going to have two bible studies this Spring:
- Tuesday evening study at 7-8:30pm starting on March 18th.
- Wednesday morning study at 9-10:30am starting on March 19th.
Both studies will be going through the book Why Cope When You Can Conquer: Studies in Selected Psalms by Juanita Purcell and will run for 6 weeks.
This is a continuation of the study we began last Fall. However, if you were unable to attend last Fall and would like to join you would be welcome to.
If you do not have a book, each book is $15, if you are able, we will accept cash or e-transfer to pay for the books. We have a few extra books on hand and can always order more.
We are not doing a sign up, just plan on attending.
Please note, for those attending on Tuesday nights, since Friendship will be meeting in the auditorium, we ask that you enter through the south doors as we will meet in the large classroom.
If you have any questions you can reach out to Judy Watson, Ruth Anderson, Melissa Berthelot, Karen Geertsma or Amanda Armstrong.
We are looking forward to opening God's word together.
- The Women's Ministry Team

Our book study restarts on
Tuesday afternoons at 1:00pm and
Wednesday mornings at 6:30am
starting March 18/19.
This is a 4 week series in the second half of our book, "How God Makes Men". Please come ready to talk about chapter 6. If you were not a part of the study in the fall and want to jump in now, books are available and we would love to have you come and join us. It has been a great time of fellowship and personal growth. Please speak to Dan Kelley (dkelley@hurontel.on.ca) if you're interested in joining.

On Sunday April 13 we are excited to be able to host Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge operates faith-based in-residence treatment facilities for individuals 18+ struggling with drug or alcohol addiction dependency issues. Their nearest facility to us is their men's facility in London ON. Teen Challenge is going to take our Sunday School time as well as our morning service. They are going to share about the program as well as have some of their graduates share their testimonies.

This year we are going to be implementing a new online registration process. Please click on the post below, it will go directly to the short form for you to fill out. This will help Diane and those incharge keep better track of the number of folks coming to the banquet.
If you have any problems registering , please email the church office with your information.
1.Name: First and Last
2.Email address:
3.Phone Number:
4.Number of guests you are bringing:
5.Names of Guests:
6.And any dietary restrictions you or your quests may have.

Passover is the annual Jewish celebration of God delivering Israel out of Egypt. Passover is one of the most important Biblical holidays for Christians because it clearly pictures the redemption Jesus provided for our sin.
The last meal Jesus ate with His disciples in the Upper Room was a Passover Seder meal.
Join us as we celebrate Passover together!
[recommended for school age children and up]
Click on the photo below to access the Reg. form
This form will only be open for two weeks! Sign up now, so you don't miss out.

Click on the button below to access the registration form